The mineral magnesium

The mineral magnesium is vital and crucial for healthy body function, efficient everyday life and restful sleep! You can find out here how magnesium supports metabolism, muscle function and health and whether it is possible to fall asleep more quickly and have a more restful sleep overall by taking additional magnesium.

 Table of contents

      1. The mineral magnesium
      2. How much magnesium do we need?
      3. This is how magnesium works
        1. Energy metabolism
        2. Physical performance & musculature
        3. Building and maintaining bones
      4. Overview of positive properties of magnesium
      5. Magnesium & Sleep
      6. Magnesium as a dietary supplement
      7. Conclusion

      1. The mineral magnesium

      Magnesium, like calcium, potassium or sodium, is an essential mineral and is vital for the healthy functioning of our body. Magnesium plays an important role in energy production, is responsible for the activation of up to 300 different enzymes and therefore plays a central role in our metabolism. In addition, magnesium is also involved in numerous muscle and nerve functions, the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure and the structure of bones and, as a so-called “electrolyte”, is partly responsible for the regulation of fluid balance. Quite a lot of tasks, isn't it?

      The well-known mineral is therefore of great importance for health, our daily energy balance and everyday performance. A magnesium deficiency is immensely damaging to our health and, in addition to short-term symptoms such as muscle cramps, numbness and severe fatigue, can cause serious long-term health damage such as vascular calcification, cardiovascular disorders and impaired energy metabolism.

      2. How much magnesium do we need?

      Our body cannot produce the mineral itself and mainly absorbs it through our diet. Depending on our age, gender or physical condition, the daily dose recommended by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) is between 300 and 400 milligrams. Anyone who does a lot of exercise, sweats a lot or doesn't drink enough usually needs a higher amount, and our bodies also need a higher amount during pregnancy or during periods of stress or illness.

      Magnesiumzufuhr über die Ernährung mit Banane, Nüsse

      With a balanced and healthy diet, a daily and sufficiently high magnesium intake is usually ensured. Healthy sources of magnesium include pumpkin seeds, millet or whole-grain bread and whole-grain pasta.

      3. This is how magnesium works.

      . in energy metabolism

      Magnesium activates the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stored in the cells, which, as a central energy supplier, is largely responsible for the healthy functioning of numerous physical processes and muscle activity. Magnesium therefore has an immense effect on the regulation of energy metabolism, which underlies all vital functions in our organism and determines not only our physical but also our mental performance. A magnesium deficiency is usually accompanied by a low energy level - we feel tired, weak and weak.

      . on physical performance & muscle function

      Magnesium is particularly known for its cramp and tension-relieving effect on the muscles, because it is able to regulate the influx of calcium into the muscle cells. Since too high a calcium content quickly leads to tension and cramps, magnesium acts as a natural antagonist to relax the muscle cells and protects the nerve cells from stress and tension caused by an excess of calcium. In this way, magnesium ensures healthy muscle function and helps maintain physical performance.

      Magnesium: Sportliche Leistung, Muskelfunktion & Muskelaufbau

      . in building & maintaining bones

      The most important mineral for building and maintaining healthy bones is calcium, but magnesium also plays a key role in the formation of strong bone substance and up to 60% of the magnesium stored in the body is stored in our bones.

      4. Positive properties of magnesium at a glance

      • Relaxes and protects the nervous system

      • Activates energy reserves and regulates energy metabolism

      • Ensures healthy muscle function and protects muscle cells from tension and cramps

      • Contributes to maintaining healthy bone function

      • Supports the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure

      5. Magnesium and sleep

      Various studies show that magnesium can not only have a positive effect on our health, but also on sleep. It supports the relaxation of the muscles and body cells, reduces the strain on the nervous system and helps protect us from restlessness, nervousness or internal tension. A sufficient supply of magnesium helps to eliminate various factors that counteract restful sleep and disrupt falling asleep and staying asleep. Magnesium also enables healthy hormone production so that we can produce enough melatonin and develop a regular sleep-wake rhythm.

      Magnesium overall has a rather indirect effect on sleep, but is essentially involved in preparing us for the rest phase at night and creating optimal conditions for a restful sleep. If you want to specifically improve your sleep, you can make sure to consume enough magnesium, especially in the evening. This means that the body has a sufficient amount of the mineral available during the night, which it can use to maintain our health and ensure a restful sleep.

      6. Magnesium as a dietary supplement

      Nahrungsergänzung mit Magnesium für besseren Schlaf & Gesundheit

      In order to secure the important supply of magnesium and prevent a harmful magnesium deficiency, additional intake through dietary supplements makes sense and is particularly popular among athletes. Magnesium has few side effects and today there are already numerous supplements that allow it to be taken safely in different dosages and in different dosage forms. Regardless of whether it is a capsule, powder or tablet - you should always ensure that your dietary supplement is of high quality and of safe origin in order to supply your body with high-quality nutrients and rule out unwanted side effects.

      Tip: In addition to magnesium, other minerals, especially calcium, are also important for health. Taking combination preparations ensures optimal supply and a healthy ratio of the individual minerals.

      7. Conclusion

      • Magnesium is an essential mineral that is not produced by the body and is absorbed through food.
      • Magnesium plays an important role in energy metabolism, muscle function and bone maintenance, which is why a magnesium deficiency is harmful to health.
      • Magnesium has an indirect effect on sleep and can have a positive effect on falling asleep and the quality of sleep.

      Greetings and see you soon!

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